ISEK: isek


ISEK 2014

The XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology,
15 to 18 July 2014, Rome, ITALY

You are cordially invited to join the XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 15-18 July 2014, at Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome, Via Aurelia, 619.

Building on the success of the 2012 Congress held in Brisbane, Australia, the congress will bring together a multidisciplinary cross section of delegates from basic scientist's to practicing clinicians specialising in human movement and the neuromuscular system.

With a prominent list of national and international guest speakers, the 2014 Program will include pre-congress workshops on key topics and a number of focused special Additional events are targeted to Early Career Researchers as well as clinical and applied workshops targeted at advancing clinical skills related to conditions of the movement

The main themes of the conference are:

  • T1 - Techniques and methods in electromyography
  • T2 - Techniques and methods in kinesiology
  • T3 - Advances in electrophysiology and kinesiology
  • T4 - Motor control in healthy and pathological subjects
  • T5 - Neuromuscular system modeling
  • T6 - Neuromuscular system physiology
  • T7 - Translational research
  • T8 - Rehabilitation